Is a Keto Diet Right for You?

Not only has the keto diet been proven to be effective for weight loss, but it also offers numerous health benefits that can improve your overall well-being.

Mouthwatering Low-Calorie, Low Carb Pasta #Recipe

I just got back on the diet wagon so it’s disappointing when I can’t have my favourite food in the entire world: cream sauce pasta! I love cream sauce pasta so much but the calories in the pasta are just too much. The few pasta brands I usually buy have about 310 calories per 85…

Family Friendly Cheakamus Splash – Canadian Outback Rafting

I occasionally seek thrills. I may or may not have ridden “The Beast” at the PNE 3 times in one day last year. So naturally, when I was given the opportunity to try out whitewater rafting with Canadian Outback Rafting in Squamish, I jumped at the chance. It was such a great experience for my…

Easy Keto + Paleo Crispy Almond Crackers #Recipe

Do you want to impress your friends and family with homemade crackers that are only made with 3 ingredients and are healthy? Are you on a diet and want a high protein and low carb snack? I have one of the best kept secret recipes to share with you today. If you love crispy savory…

Choosing the Right Foods can Help You Lose Weight!

At its most basic level, losing weight comes down to calories in calories out. This means the calories you eat must be less than the calories that you burn; therefore, losing weight can be really challenging considering that the best tasting foods are often very high in calories. This goes double if you are someone…

#BellLetsTalk – My journey back to mental and physical wellbeing, a 23 year journey that’s helped me become the man I am today!

Today marks the 9th annual Bell Let’s Talk Day with many people, including politicians, well-known Canadians, and stars taking to social media to get the message out about mental health. Statistics show that one in five Canadians will suffer from mental illness at some point in their lifetime. One of the biggest hurdles for anyone suffering from mental…

5 Ways to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

Now that the holidays are wrapped up for the year, it feels as if we may need to wait another 11 months to feel that holiday joy. It seems common to have the post-holiday blues. If you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolutions, overindulged in delectable treats, have zero motivation to get off the couch,…

Make Your Own Tea Blend Workshop

As an avid tea drinker, I’m always on the lookout for new tea blends to try. I’m also curious about herbal remedies and tinctures to help support my body’s systems. Having a holistic wellness regimen is what I aim to do and I love finding new ways to help support my journey. This Sunday I…

The Wellness Show Returns to Vancouver on February 2 – 3 #Contest

With January half-way done, some of us may be finding it a tad hard to keep the new year’s resolutions we made ourselves. Fear not, if you’re looking for help staying committed to a healthier and better you, attending this year’s Wellness Show might be the inspiration you’re looking for. This year’s show offerings include…