Subway Canada wants you to #CommittoFit #Contest


A few weeks ago I signed Subway’s Commit to Fit pledge.

The Commit to Fit program™  is a commitment you make to yourself to live a healthy and active lifestyle, and you do it on your own terms. It involves making good food choices while swapping old habits for new healthy ones. It not only involves nutrition, but exercise and stress management as well.

Carl Savard is Subway’s Commit to Fit™ ambassador – without following any diets, he lost 100 pounds in 10 months by learning to make better choice and becoming active. He managed to find a proper balance between work, family and work outs while choosing Subway as his restaurant of choice for his away-from-home meals.  He is now a certified personal trainer and wants to help others reach their health objectives as he did.

Carl suggests weekly challenges to keep things interesting and not too overwhelming. One healthy change a week.

I joined #CarlsCrew as part of a blogger outreach to commit to a 6-week fitness and health challenge with Carl. The 6-week challenge is really meant to motivate and kick-start a new lifestyle with coaching tips and advice along the way.

So what are a few of the things you can do to Commit to Fit™?

1. Start a fitness routine –  It doesn’t have to be a gym routine – 20 minutes a day of exercise to start, and it can be as easy as taking the dog for a walk or playing with your kid.

2. Make a fresh swap – exchange the mayo in your sandwich for mustard. Reach for water instead of pop.

3. Get a buddy – find someone who believes in your commitment to a healthier lifestyle and add them to your cheering section. This is a big change in your life, and having people encouraging you along the way will help you stay on track.

SUBWAY Restaurants can be part of your Commit to Fit™ lifestyle as a regular component of your balanced diet. Wanna win a $25 SUBWAY gift card? Click on the link below to enter the giveaway. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow SUBWAY on Twitter, or even better, click here to join me in the SUBWAY Commit to Fit Challenge.

31 Comments Add yours

  1. lori b says:

    my swaps will be skip the sweets and eat yogurt with fresh fruit


  2. Tintin says:

    I will swap healthy salads and soups over greasy fried foods


  3. Angie says:

    I am going to be swapping sandwiches for salads at lunch and having dessert only once a week!


  4. Glogirl says:

    I would swap out cookies to eat a piece of fruit.


  5. angela m says:

    I would swap out pop for water


  6. Lori Jackson says:

    I will be swapping out chips for carrots and celery~~No dip!


  7. Florence C says:

    I am swapping pop for water.


  8. prairiebelle says:

    I will swap out soft drinks for water


  9. michelle tremblett says:

    I will swap soda for water !


  10. ivy pluchinsky says:

    I will swap chips for more healthy snacks


  11. Tammy Dalley says:

    I will swap junk food for veggies and fruits


  12. Lori Bazan says:

    I will try a spin class


  13. I`ll swap mayo for mustard!


  14. Lee-Ann says:

    I will swap some diet coke for water


  15. More walking…walking to work, walking back home, walking instead of bussing.


  16. I walk a lot (I don’t personally drive), I drink mostly water (very little soda, no alcohol), I eat fresh foods instead of processed foods or canned foods, and I rarely add salt to my food.


  17. Courtney says:

    I’m going to take the stairs


  18. Amirah says:

    swapping juice and coke for water! :)


  19. I am cutting out evening snacking and eating 3 meals per day


  20. Bree says:

    I will swap out pop for water!


  21. Josh S says:

    I will swap out chips for veggies.


  22. Yuen C says:

    I will cut out salad dressing for greek yogurt


  23. Pam says:

    I am going to swap out the junk at work for a healthier option


  24. Wendy hutton says:

    well we don’t deep fry anything at all anymore I bought an air fryer, we also try to include spinach in everything we cook its so versatile


  25. I will pick mustard over mayo


  26. Eldon says:

    I will swap cola for flavoured water


  27. I will swap out pop for water and I’m going to try drinking warm lemon water each morning.


  28. stacey dempsey says:

    I will swap out soft drinks for water and take the stairs and park further away from the stores and lots more as most are very easy simple changes


  29. Lisa Neutel says:

    I’m going to swap out pop for water


  30. hmrcarlson says:

    I would swap diet Pepsi for water.


  31. nomnombearinyvr says:

    I am going to pass on the pop and swap it for a bottle of water.

    Jeannie Lam


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