Yoga Pose for Against Comparison Game

Ever found yourself standing up for a friend’s sabotaging self-talk – or your own inner dialogue? Especially when the weather gets warm, we find ourselves watching every other body around us in an effort to compare it to our own. And not in a good way! Before I get into this pose, I’d like you…

Yoga Pose for Dehydration Headache

What does too much time in the sun and having too many drinks have in common? Dehydration! That’s right! Too much of both can cause a pounding headache if you haven’t prepared with water and/or a refreshing electrolyte drink. So how does yoga come into play? With deep breathing and one single pose (ok, so…

You’re Invited to a Night of Yoga

Did you know the acres upon acres of devastation families endured during the wildfires this year? With a total of 8950 square kilometres as of mid-August*, with over 45,000 families evacuated at one point. It’s no wonder this disaster was considered the worst in BC history. Yogathon Backstory When I first heard about the fires,…

Press the “RESET” button for your Soul

We all have struggles – big, small, any size. And I’m pretty sure that, at one point, we’ve reached out to someone in our support system to either lend us an ear or help us take action. Something as small as calling a friend may have been the impact needed to spark a change in…

Vegas Baby

I find Vegas to be one of those chameleon places –  it’s never the same; it becomes whatever you want it to be in each visit. Having been there a few times already, and it not being my all time favourite place, I wanted to experience a different kind of Vegas. Something less touristy, finding pleasure in the…

Product Review: Halfmoon Mighty Yoga Mat

You know that moment when you made the decision to pick up a yoga practice? You’ve heard all the benefits it can have on your body (and mind) and have decided it’s time to welcome it into your life. So you go out, buy a mat, some yoga clothes and, because you want to “feel” like…

The First Ever Yoga Expo in Vancouver

I always thought of Vancouver as the epicentre of yoga in Canada. Now that is only my humble (and possibly erroneous) opinion of course, but looking at all of the different yoga studios, yoga stores, and yoga pants you see down the street it’s very easy to think the way I do. Plus, being in…

Recap of Wanderlust Whistler 2016

This year was the first year I finally attended Wanderlust – a 5 day gathering up in Whistler where the whole purpose is yoga and connection. I have wanted to attend this festival for a few years now but it wasn’t until this year that I felt the NEED to go. It’s that kind of…

Yoga from the Rastafari Perspective Event

Reggae and yoga? Sign me up! On July 26th, a new movement will be arriving in Vancouver: Yoga from the African/Rastafari perspective. Jah9 will be leading this practice of Kemetic Yoga with The Dub Treatment playing live. If you’re not familiar with what Kemetic Yoga is, let me explain: It’s an ancient Egyptian system of…

Yoga Weekend Retreat in Osoyoos #ExploreBC

Ah, beautiful British Columbia. The place we all call home! It’s here that a yoga retreat with local delicious food is to take place in April! You know the high you get after a strong workout at the gym or a long run around the seawall? That’s what this retreat is about. You can register online. It’s…